Ignaz Semmelweis said:...I told "them" that the incidence of
puerperal fever, also known as
childbed fever could be drastically cut by use of
hand washing standards in
obstetrical clinics.So many women were dying that they would squat in the ally outside the hospital to give birth rather than enter the hospital and succumb to disease. I was outraged by the indifference of the medical profession ...So I began writing open and increasingly angry letters to prominent European obstetricians, at times denouncing them as the irresponsible murderers that they were!
Oily George said:.. Ignaz, you stood up to ignorant dangerous ideologues who happened to be your colleagues and spoke truth to power.I'm sure you were rewarded in some way, how'd that work out for ya?
Ignaz Semmelweis said:...Well...ah...not so good...My contemporaries, including my wife, believed I was losing my mind and in 1865 I was committed to an
asylum (mental institution). I died there only 14 days later after being severely beaten by guards.
Oily George said: Yikes!...(sucks to be you)...so, telling doctors to wash their hands after "handling" cadavers was bad thing to do.
to be continued...